Girls First Network

At She's the First, we know that community is powerful. That’s why we bring together practitioners in our Girls First Network, where we can all share best practices. This is also where we share our advocacy opportunities and the first place we make funding opportunities known.

En She's the First, sabemos que la comunidad es poderosa. Es por eso que reunimos a profesionales en nuestra Girls First Network, donde todos podemos compartir las mejores prácticas. Aquí también es donde compartimos nuestras oportunidades de promoción y el primer lugar donde damos a conocer las oportunidades de financiación.

Did you know you can now join the ​Girls First Institute​ to obtain a girl-centered design certification for your organization? This is a skills-building, outcomes-improving professional development program for women who uplift girls in their communities, led by and for women from the Global South. Join now to start your pathway to certification and improve outcomes for girls in your community!